
Showing posts from 2023

Living with a little forest

So you readers could get some idea from the heading itself if I’m not wrong, and to your attention I not living in a forest or a place out of the grid. I’m just a city guy living in a Metropolitan area. So the next thing you would be thinking is “How can a guy from a city live with a little forest?” and as an answer to that, its not only little, but it’s just inside my bedroom. Now let’s get into the thing, which is how am I living with the “forest”. Its actually not much of a forest, but my friends, they would tell that “See who’s living in a forest, a forest guy”, so that’s how I came up with this. Sharing my experiences some tips and some fun things that I do with my plants which may make you think that I’m a crackhead (Spoiler alert- I’m actually one among those crack heads who is crazy about plants!)  The first and foremost thing is, what kind of plants that I possess they are not much of a big group its just some indoor plants and some outdoor ones which I keep inside nearer to