Living with a little forest

So you readers could get some idea from the heading itself if I’m not wrong, and to your attention I not living in a forest or a place out of the grid. I’m just a city guy living in a Metropolitan area. So the next thing you would be thinking is “How can a guy from a city live with a little forest?” and as an answer to that, its not only little, but it’s just inside my bedroom. Now let’s get into the thing, which is how am I living with the “forest”. Its actually not much of a forest, but my friends, they would tell that “See who’s living in a forest, a forest guy”, so that’s how I came up with this. Sharing my experiences some tips and some fun things that I do with my plants which may make you think that I’m a crackhead (Spoiler alert- I’m actually one among those crack heads who is crazy about plants!) 

The first and foremost thing is, what kind of plants that I possess they are not much of a big group its just some indoor plants and some outdoor ones which I keep inside nearer to the windowsill. Indoor plants, they are very special to me they way the leafs look, some are curled, some are twisted, some having variegated leaf and some climbing ones too, in addition to those they are easy to maintain. The plants which I have are some Snake plants, Aloe, Succulents which includes Cactus, Bonsai, Aglaonema and a couple of different variety of Money plant.

Now the next thing is how do I maintain these. Its kind of a complicated , even though I said its easy, its after all plants and they need attention and care just like caring a pet. The main thing about these indoor plants is that they only need less water when compared to the normal outdoor ones, its not only about water that make them unique, they are able to survive without sunlight for an instance they could survive in the presence of artificial light or passive sunlight. When it comes to the benefits of these, they have an ability to absorb the toxins and pollutants which are present in the atmosphere. Since I’m living in a city its beneficial for me so as to you too, because the atmosphere here is mostly polluted and contain toxins too, I would recommend you guys to have a snake plant at your homes.

Let’s get to the fun thing that I do with these plants. As a human being we communicate with each other or pets for an example dog, so like that I talk with my plant, now I’m pretty sure that you people are thinking that I’m a crack head. I actually talk with my plants when I’m bored, exhausted; I would just let off everything from mind and make myself free, to be frank it pretty much works. The other thing is that I had a personal experience while trying this out. One present day a plant amongst which I possess, I actually don’t remember which one was it, so that plant was all weak and almost gone but the pot which it had was pretty beautiful. I just had a little chit-chat with it, which was “It’s a beautiful pot, if you are going to dry up then make it faster, I have much better plants to be in your position”. After this I still continued to water it everyday, to my surprise within a few weeks it was all energetic not only that, it showed better growth than that of the last weeks! It may sound unusual for you guys but its not.Fun fact I have heard that Google is actually working on this thing which is interacting with plants, the name of their product is Google Tulip, if I’m not wrong, I'll just sahre the link so you can watch later on . It uses cutting edge technology something likewise. The thing is that plants also communicate among them just like us but the problem is that we don’t understand them. And here we come to the end of my experiences that I have with the plants that I possess, the journey never ends you all can try out having one of your own, there is still time left for you guys. Like George Eliot says “It will never rain roses: when we want to have more we must plant more trees” ,so come on jump off your seat, grab a pot and plant a sapling of your like!


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