Nature the provider

Nature is not only a wonder; it is a lot more like a mother. A Mother who cares and loves her children and family. We human beings has become very much successful in being the most innovative race in the Universe that we are known to. But the main thing is that we are always failing in producing, in other words reconstructing the whole of Mother nature, which is a Godly job. So, when talking about our achievements, we have discovered many places like Earthly planets etc; which means a big thing to us. Is it good? Even though we have successfully pursuing our dreams, many worst things are being happening around the world. We all know about Amazon, it is not the shopping website, it is the forest in South America (Amazonia). The critic, writers and poets say that it is the lungs of our earth. Recently the forest was a under a fire, a gigantic fire that has a great impact in the life of many rare living beings which is only seen there. So, in short, the main thing is that we are only giving importance to ourself only, our needs and our life only, which needs to be changed or no sooner, we all will be extinct as if there was no life on Earth, and as well as our children will not be able to see this beautiful world. Mother nature is saying that: “I gave you everything that I had and now you want to kill me?". So, we should first secure the mother nature 'The life giver as well as the life taker', give a place for her own so that for many more millenniums can be seen by our Earth with life on it...


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