The Woes of a Dreamer

It came as a wind,
Which enriches and refreshes.
It came as a bird,
Searching for its way to home.
It was all blue,
As blue as the oceans.
Others said that,
I have gone insane.
I just took it as granted,
Then a door just opened.
It was filled with warmth just like the sun,
I flew nearer to it.
Near I went and I got burnt
Just like Icarus,
Fell from the sky.
Fell too fast and sudden,
Didn't know when my heart died.
And still now the sound of the wind piercing my ears,
Telling me I hoped too much,
I dreamt too much.
I pondered and wondered,
Never could I retrieve an answer.
Never could I forget,
Even now my hopes and my dreams.


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