
Living with a little forest

So you readers could get some idea from the heading itself if I’m not wrong, and to your attention I not living in a forest or a place out of the grid. I’m just a city guy living in a Metropolitan area. So the next thing you would be thinking is “How can a guy from a city live with a little forest?” and as an answer to that, its not only little, but it’s just inside my bedroom. Now let’s get into the thing, which is how am I living with the “forest”. Its actually not much of a forest, but my friends, they would tell that “See who’s living in a forest, a forest guy”, so that’s how I came up with this. Sharing my experiences some tips and some fun things that I do with my plants which may make you think that I’m a crackhead (Spoiler alert- I’m actually one among those crack heads who is crazy about plants!)  The first and foremost thing is, what kind of plants that I possess they are not much of a big group its just some indoor plants and some outdoor ones which I keep inside nearer to

Inferior to the Azure sky

Oh my dear  You look so clear  To be clear and soothing? Oh no!  There comes a pimple in the morning,  There comes another in the night. When you darkenes,  I know you are sad. When you are happy, I see the seven colours in your eyes. At night, I can see those sparkling blemishes of yours.

A unique soul amid us

Finally, the time has come, I've begun to gaze at you. I've started to find, Minor imperfections in you, But those imperfections, Don't matter; Cus, They're only seen and felt, Only by me, Those imperfections maybe, Perfections for some Now it doesn't matter In a way all are imperfect, That's why we all have, A distinctive character. That's why we all are different. Till now I've found only, Minor imperfections in you. Maybe there are more, Yet to be found out by me. I continue to gaze at you, My eyes are still clinging onto you, Hoping to spot a flaw.

The Woes of a Dreamer

It came as a wind, Which enriches and refreshes. It came as a bird, Searching for its way to home. It was all blue, As blue as the oceans. Others said that, I have gone insane. I just took it as granted, Then a door just opened. It was filled with warmth just like the sun, I flew nearer to it. Near I went and I got burnt Just like Icarus, Fell from the sky. Fell too fast and sudden, Didn't know when my heart died. And still now the sound of the wind piercing my ears, Telling me I hoped too much, I dreamt too much. I pondered and wondered, Never could I retrieve an answer. Never could I forget, Even now my hopes and my dreams.


Life was no longer a fun, Life has started to apply many problems. Those problems which seemed, Tough to overcome. Those problems which seemed, Tiring to get rid off. Those problems which, Kept on haunting. Some says life is a teacher. And we are the students. Some says life is a long walk, Filled with many ditches, But for most life was, Filled with lots of joy and ecstacy. For a few life was, Like a clock who is given, The job to keep time. For me life is... Nothing but three dots.


Change is seen everywhere, Every living being in the world is evolving. It is trying to be more and more involved, Change is absolutely needed. Scientists says "Everyone is undergoing a slow change" Is it so? Could it be like that? Changes are not needed. But in a way change is needed, Then only the world is beautiful. People say learn from others, By learning from others do we change? Changes are needed in every person's life, It may occur at anytime at anyplace, I think a change should be specific, So that everyone will be unique.

Nature the provider

Nature is not only a wonder; it is a lot more like a mother. A Mother who cares and loves her children and family. We human beings has become very much successful in being the most innovative race in the Universe that we are known to. But the main thing is that we are always failing in producing, in other words reconstructing the whole of Mother nature, which is a Godly job. So, when talking about our achievements, we have discovered many places like Earthly planets etc; which means a big thing to us. Is it good? Even though we have successfully pursuing our dreams, many worst things are being happening around the world. We all know about Amazon, it is not the shopping website, it is the forest in South America (Amazonia). The critic, writers and poets say that it is the lungs of our earth. Recently the forest was a under a fire, a gigantic fire that has a great impact in the life of many rare living beings which is only seen there. So, in short, the main thing is that we are only gi